Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Abbey's latest trip to Chicago

If you've been following my family for more than a year or so, you'll know that my daughter Abbey (one of the twins) went to Chicago, IL about a year ago for surgery. She had a cleft palate repair performed by the Shriner's Hospital in Chicago, and their care for her has been outstanding.

When she went for a follow-up visit in September, they found that one of the tubes they had put in her ears had fallen out. This is typical, because as her body grows they will naturally pop out. But for now, she still needs them IN, so they told us they would do it at a later scheduled date.

We initially hoped that we might be able to have it done locally; this would save all of the trouble of getting to Chicago again, and would be one less thing we were depending on the Shriner's Hospital to do. But the cost of the procedure locally was prohibitively expensive.

So yesterday, Marcie and Abbey left for another trip to Chicago. She is having the (very brief) procedure today, and they will return tomorrow.

Please pray for little Abbey as she faces anesthesia again, and for a safe and trouble-free trip for both she and Marcie.

Here's Abbey on the plane to Chicago:

Pasted Graphic

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