Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Bits and Tidbits, February 2010

  • How the Letterman-Leno-Oprah Super Bowl ad came together-- if you saw this ad, you probably thought two things: first, that's the funniest ad so far tonight; and second, how in the world did Letterman convince the others to do it? This little piece tells the story.
  • Five iPhone Apps for Caregivers-- I have to say, this whole iPhone apps thing just keeps getting better. The iPhone (and soon the iPad) is a great tool for mobile information management and retrieval.
  • Top 10 "Star Trek" Technologies that Actually Came True-- fun stuff. There have been a lot of news stories in the past few years about technologies that Trek inspired; this is just a summary of a few.
  • Olympics FAQ-- does curling require skill? What's the difference between an axel and a salchow? Why is the Whistler luge track so fast? These and more, answered by the Explainer at Slate magazine.
  • 17 Best Lego Creations Ever-- at least, according to the Huffington Post. These are, admittedly, pretty amazing.

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