Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Update on Abbey

We just got back to the hotel room from a long day, and I wanted to give you all an update.

In case I/we haven't been very good at keeping you in the loop, Abbey was accepted into the Shriners' Hospital Program for treatment of her cleft palette. The local (Memphis) Shriners have taken care of getting us up to Chicago(!) to visit the Shriners' Hospital up here, and we spent all day today in clinical assessment and evaluation.

We got to the hospital at 8am, and between then and mid-afternoon we saw 13 different specialists and team members, including a Nurse, a Speech Therapist, an Audiologist, a Social Worker, a Psychologist, an Ear/Nose/Throat Doctor, a pediatric Dentist, a pediatric Orthodontist, a Nurse Practitioner, and a team of two Cranial/Facial Plastic Surgeons. After that, we met with the whole team (including some that we didn't meet with individually) for a summary of their assessment.

As of now, the plan is to do corrective surgery when Abbey is between 9 months and 1 year old. At that time, they will also put tubes in her ears. These procedures will take place in Chicago also, and she'll be in the hospital for probably 2-3 nights (the night before and 1 or 2 nights after). After that, she'll have a recovery time of about 2 weeks before she can return to regular feeding, etc.

The whole team was/is top-notch, and we were so impressed with all of them and the care they offered. We were very encouraged about where things already are, and we are so grateful with what is to come with this program. 

Thanks so much for your prayers and concern, and please continue to pray for our safety as we return home tomorrow.

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