Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Bits & Tidbits

What is the most crying need of the church in America today? A handful of key thinkers answer this question thoughtfully and helpfully.

I mentioned the various
comments and discussion of the Evangelical Manifesto; you can find some of them here: Os Guinness, Doug Wilson, Darrell Bock, Joe Taylor, Denny Burk, Alan Jacobs, Guinness again, Al Mohler, Ed Stetzer, Justin Taylor.

A great quote from Spurgeon on looking to Jesus, courtesy of my friend Paul Bankson.

My friend Adam has a great list of resources on suffering. 'Cause all of us face it.

Why are some Reformed folk so unpleasant? Thomas McCall of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School has some good remarks here; see also this (now dated) post and this Christianity Today article. Shouldn't grace beget grace?

What's going on in Myanmar? And why are we hearing more about it? Note these two posts from Justin Taylor (first, second) about some of the problems. How can the average American local congregation do something to help?

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